November 2, 2009

Another corner of my home....

Hello and good morning, come on in ,nice to see you,
welcome to my sitting room ,

sitting room 2
Since putting this picture on flickr last week, and having it appear on
the blog home sweet home
I have had virtually 760 people ( and some.) sitting there in my front room
looking at that very corner......just like you are now....
........and me , still in me dressing gown and rollers !

Post-Edit: Playing along with pip and toni  for meet me at mikes "my place or yours"

My photo
Dublin, Ireland
I am a Glass Artist, Surface-decorator, Designer, Sculptor and maker of all sorts of other things. This blog is where I document my work in progress
All images are property of Elaine Prunty aka Jaboopee
All my work is original , and unless otherwise stated
all the images are taken by me.
If asked, I will be happy to permit use of my images ,
provided full accreditation is given.