Thanks for all your lovely comments yesterday, you make me very happy.
I spent a really brilliant day and evening @ Bloom on Thursday.
This was my third year to visit and it just keeps getting better and better.
I was really proud and happy to be a part of it this year,
I think Gary's garden is amazing and my work is really showcased beautifully
in it.

I took 263 photos but, today, I'm just going to show you some of the photos

I took 263 photos but, today, I'm just going to show you some of the photos
of my work.
As the wall is circular it's impossible to get a photo of it all in one.

There was some TV crews there, apparently there's a
programme on TV3 at 4, today, Friday 30Th

If you are coming to Bloom this weekend I hope you'll call over
to Gary's garden 'Harmonium' , to say hello.