Maire, is a lovely neighbour of ours. I recently did the stained glass restoration in her front door and when Maire saw our garden she loved it so much she asked us to design and build a new garden for her.
We started the work at the end of May and it took us over 4 weeks.
This is the result .......
Before 1 :View toward back of house

After 1 : Patio 1

Before 2 :view toward back garden

After 2

Before 3 :end of garden

Detail shot of water feature. Maire wanted a very subtle feature

Detail shot of paving

Detail shot of seating
Red cedar seating and edging

Detail shot of storage box ,(for recyclables)
and garden hose

Detail shot of some of the edible planting section ,
Another view of patio area 2
patio area 2

We are really proud of this garden , and more importantly Maire loves it.
It was such a pleasure to work for her and it was a fantastic opportunity
Before 1 :View toward back of house

After 1 : Patio 1

Before 2 :view toward back garden

After 2

Before 3 :end of garden

Detail shot of water feature. Maire wanted a very subtle feature
and asked us to incorporate the old family Belfast sink,

Detail shot of paving
I love the texture contrasts of the Indian sandstone and the pebble,
we choose the paint to mirror exactly the 'green' in the sandstone.

Detail shot of seating
Red cedar seating and edging

Detail shot of storage box ,(for recyclables)
and garden hose

Detail shot of some of the edible planting section ,
I love all the different texture and materials contrast here.
Another view of patio area 2
My favourite part was choosing the planting

patio area 2
Just 4 small trees in each corner of this area ,
to enclose and separate the space.

We are really proud of this garden , and more importantly Maire loves it.
It was such a pleasure to work for her and it was a fantastic opportunity
for myself and Joe to collaborate on a garden project .