I had some of my lovely friends come visit, thanks so much
Margaret, Deirdre and Rory, Daithi, Bryde ,Eileen , Emily
and "my favourite tree" Joe, Cait and Fionn .
The speeches were indoors in the visitors centre
and were riveting as is evidenced by all these people
still standing
Normally everyone then goes out to explore the gardens in the
blazing evening sunshine but this year it was a complete wash out
as is evidenced by these pictures .
My lovely friend Margaret needed 2 umbrellas
to perform 'singing in the rain '
My lovely friends Deirdre and Rory were nearly blown
away as they sang "You are the wind beneath my wings "
NB, Did you ever know that youse are my heroes ?
The highlight for me was seeing this:
[click on image to enlarge]
I've off now to sleep for the entire weekend .