The next big deadline for me is 28th August.
That's 16 days away, and it's the day I am
to install my sculpture for
The exhibition starts on 2nd September.
So, the next 16 days are going to be very busy around here.
This will be one of my biggest public projects to date:
Here's just a little taster of what the project is about....

The work is called " THE SEVEN YEAR OLD TREE"
This is a quote from my proposal
Imagine what would happen if a child’s drawing of a tree came to life and
appeared real size in the maples woodland area of the Botanic gardens ,
My proposal is to make that happen .
Back in April, I enlisted the help of the children of
Scoil and tSeachtar Laoch a gaelscoil in Ballymun
I asked them to draw me a tree.
From 100's of pictures , I whittled it down to this ....

These are some of the drawings from Ranga/Class 1,
that's where all the 7 year olds live.
I'll be showing you little sneak peeks of the work in progress
in the next couple of weeks, and that will hopefully lead up to the big reveal.
I've posted quite a bit on this since starting my blog ,if you'd like to
read more Click on these links
re: intention to apply,